Imagine for a moment that a friend
comes to you seeking advice on
How to improve your ability to receive personal revelation.
You can only offer one idea. What is it?
- A General Authority (Marion Romney) asked this question to another apostle (Harold B. Lee). He gave him this perfect suggestion.
- Additional blessings are pledged to us if we do it.
- Abraham used this suggestion in Genesis 19:27.
- Moses used it in Exodus 34:4
- Joshua did it in Joshua 6:12
- The Lord-God followed it in Mark 1:35
- This one advice has proven added physical health benefit.
- We are promised to not be weary, but be invigorated if we keep it.
- All of the Quorum of the Twelve live this answer daily.
- It’s the #1 reason teens struggle with brain dysfunction.
- Not doing it is the #1 cause of depression. Elder Russell M. Nelson said it will rescue those “defeated and downtrodden.”
- Research at BYU proves a decline in GPA for each time this advice isn’t maintained.
- It is adversely affected by blue lights of screen time.
- Aristotle recommends it as a main contributor to health, wealth and wisdom.
- Ben Franklin said health, wealth and wisdom are consequences of this one thing.
Read the July 2015 Ensign article for the one simple change in your life that will improve it more than any other self help tip. I promise--It's in the Scriptures.
Young Adults, Fill Your Life With Energy
Randal Wright